Saturday, April 11, 2009

Yes, it's 3am and we're still packing...

We admit it. We went out for Indian food for dinner, came home and watched "Slumdog Millionaire." Probably not the best idea for two night owls with early flights. Obviously, I don't recommend this approach to travel for everyone. We're surely taking too much stuff with us, though much will get used along the way -- bug spray, SPF70 sweatproof sunscreen for the equatorial sun.
The snow only just melted out of the back corner of our yard a couple of days ago. It was 104 or 105 in Pune yesterday. Seems that the heatwave has passed Mumbai, where it's supposed to be 98-100. We'll ease into the heat though, as we'll arrive at 9pm, when it should be in the mid- to upper 70's.

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